If you have been separated from your spouse and don't know where he or she is, you can still get divorced. You need to be able to show the judge that you have attempted to locate your spouse, for example by asking their family or friends for his or her whereabouts or trying to locate him or her through an internet people search.

The judge must approve your request to "serve" or notify your spouse that you have filed for divorce by running a notice in your local newspaper. Once the notice runs for four weeks, your spouse has thirty days to respond. If he or she doesn't see or learn about the notice and respond, you can get divorced without actually finding your spouse.
The cost to do it this way is a little more because you have to pay to run the notice in the newspaper and there are additional steps to completing the divorce. Please contact me for details.

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Online Application (coming soon)
This feature enables you to apply for an uncontested divorce
online and even use this site to pay for the divorce using
either your credit/debit card or PayPal™.